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Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Pernicious "Transgender" Idiocy

(The following text comprises a discussion I just had by email with three gay friends in the New York/Newark Metropolitan Area.)
THERE is no such thing as a "transgendered" person. I seriously doubt that the gender-CONFUSED losers who PRETEND to think themselves as being of the opposite gender, believe for so much as a tenth of a second that they are REALLY of the opposite gender. If they really DO believe it, they are out of their minds (NOT out of their natural bodies) and need to be committed to a mental institution, to receive counseling, probably medication, and possibly even psychosurgery to shatter their insane delusions and enter the real world, in which gender is not optional nor self-selected, but something you are just plain stuck with, for having been irrefutably and unchangeably assigned before birth, just as is species. You can't choose your species; you can't choose your gender. Deal with it.
What has happened in this all-too-permissive and credulous country is that seriously disordered FAGGOTS, who were driven out of their minds by being raised from infancy in a society that did not make allowances for them, were driven out of their minds, to the point where they could not make any sense of the world, so allowed themselves to be persuaded by outsiders that any "deviation" from the heterosexual norm is both wrong and sensible, a logical absurdity, but who says that people driven out of their mind by intolerance of their essential nature are logical?
Making this all worse is the human tendency to generalize. Alas, people often lump together things that do NOT belong together. It is very difficult to comprehend a world of myriad differences, in which many things are unique, that is, not like anything else. Lumping things together reduces the number of things you have to deal with on their own terms, which makes it easier to comprehend the world, because once you group together bunches of individual things, you need no longer understand each to itself, but only as part of a broad category, and the number of such broad categories is immensely smaller than the number of things that cannot reasonably be lumped in with others (but are).
Unfortunately, many people lump together things that bear only specious resemblance to the other things they lump together in the same category. Drawing needful distinctions is more difficult than either accepting that many things they encounter have nothing to do with each other, or being careless as to what different things they choose to lump together. Making sensible distinctions when creating categories is a function of intelligence. The smarter the person, the more rationally s/he retains sensible distinctions when creating groups (and, more than incidentally, the more individual things they can accept as unique). In the process of creating groups / drawing group boundaries, a person must always be guided by the truism that the fact that one thing may be true does NOT in itself mean that anything in the same general vicinity — or way far away — is also true.
In this context, the fact that there are in reality men attracted sexually (and, by extension, if not immediately, emotionally) to men and women attracted similarly to women, in no way means that there are really people who are 'in the wrong body', an absolute impossibility, nor that "bisexuality" is an actual, healthy, courageous, and adult orientation.
To begin with, gay men and lesbians do not belong together, so there is no natural "community" that embraces the two utterly different groups, who start out intrinsically different and look in opposite directions. Bisexuals, infantile losers who must know that they are really homosexual but refuse to accept and commit to their actual nature, do not belong with either gay men or lesbians. And there is no such thing as a "transsexual" or "transgendered" person. It's all part of the same absurd tendency to generalize, which causes people to smash together things that just plain do not belong together. Making it all worse is the tendency of people who have been excluded from society to feel sorry for other people who have been excluded from acceptance by "normal" society, and thus tend to include people who just do not belong in their group. This can easily go wildly astray, as by identifying with criminals rather than their victims, because those 'poor people' (criminals) must have been treated badly, or they wouldn't treat others badly.
Gay activist Dan Savage was on Monday's Late Show with Stephen Colbert. and the stupid bastard at once ridiculed the inclusion of all kinds of incompatible groups in the "LGBTQ...[and many more groups] community" as a single entity, including sado-masochists, as tho they were all normal, healthy, and naturally related, if not even exactly the same(!), and also making fun of this all-inclusive "community" of people, who have essentially nothing to do with each other, either socially or logically. He ended up accepting the propriety of including them all in a single, hugely artificial "community"..
Dan Savage is a perfect example of a seriously damaged human being who, thru many years of being surrounded by a society that did not accept him, lost the ability to distinguish between things that ARE the same as against things that are NOT the same.

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